21 Century Technology ( Emaze)
Core Standard 3- The students will understand and respect self and others related to human development and relationships.
Ed. Tech. Standard 10- Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information sources.
(GRADES 3-5)
Helping students become comfortable with technology will help to reinforce in them the wonderful opportunities that await them as they begin to explore and navigate the internet.
Living in the 21st Century they will be spending a large majority of their time using technology.
There is more to just knowing how technology works for them, they must learn how to appropriately use technology and be responsible for their actions.
A vast universe of information will be there to expand their minds and they can be a force for good in the world.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Mood Swings ( Animoto)
Core Standard 1- Healthy Self
Ed.Tech. Standard 8- Problem Solving
(GRADES 3-5)
Our moods many times determine our actions or our reactions to different situations.
By helping students learn to recognize their own moods and the moods of others we will help them to be better capable to deal with the many stressful situations that our moods create.
Social interaction will be apart of a students everyday lives and being better prepared to handle these interactions we will become better communicators with others.
Understanding how our feelings impact others can help us achieve harmony and balance with the world around us.
Utah History (Prezi)
Core Standard 2- Students will understand how Utah's history has been shaped by many diverse people, events, and ideas.
Ed. Tech. Standard 1- Growing with technology/timelines
(3-5 GRADE)
As students go back in history and follow the timelines of the men, women and children that helped shape the history of Utah, they will come to better understand the great sacrifices and even suffering of those who made there way to the Utah Valley.
As we look at the history of the Mormon pioneers coming from the East to the West we will discover how this diverse group was one of many who made the journey.
Time lines help recreate events and tell stories hopefully instilling in young minds that they also to will one day be a part of history and others will be telling their stories as well.
Core Standard 2- Students will understand how Utah's history has been shaped by many diverse people, events, and ideas.
Ed. Tech. Standard 1- Growing with technology/timelines
(3-5 GRADE)
As students go back in history and follow the timelines of the men, women and children that helped shape the history of Utah, they will come to better understand the great sacrifices and even suffering of those who made there way to the Utah Valley.
As we look at the history of the Mormon pioneers coming from the East to the West we will discover how this diverse group was one of many who made the journey.
Time lines help recreate events and tell stories hopefully instilling in young minds that they also to will one day be a part of history and others will be telling their stories as well.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm ( Near Pod)
Core Standard 3- Students will create music through improvisation, arranging and composing.
Core Standard 3- Students will create music through improvisation, arranging and composing.
Ed. Tech. Standard 9- Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tools and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems.
(GRADES 3-5)
Music can add so much to our lives whether we are listening to music with words or just experiencing music through instrumental recordings. We are often brought to another place and time where we have the opportunity to experience feelings of joy, sorrow, excitement and rest.
By giving students the basics of music instruction, we can help them to build a foundation upon which all future learning will rest.Rhythm patters and learning to recognize notes are some of those basic learning steps to start the journey of music expression that will help them to come to better appreciate the future musical experiences they will encounter.
Ed. Tech. Standard 9- Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tools and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems.
(GRADES 3-5)
Music can add so much to our lives whether we are listening to music with words or just experiencing music through instrumental recordings. We are often brought to another place and time where we have the opportunity to experience feelings of joy, sorrow, excitement and rest.
By giving students the basics of music instruction, we can help them to build a foundation upon which all future learning will rest.Rhythm patters and learning to recognize notes are some of those basic learning steps to start the journey of music expression that will help them to come to better appreciate the future musical experiences they will encounter.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Mind Mapping (Poplet)
Core Standard 3- Students will understand the relationship and attributes of objects in the Solar System.
Ed. Tech. Standard 8-Use technology resources probes, videos, educational software, for problem solving, self directed learning and extended learning activities.
(GRADES 3-5)
Building presentations that helps us to view information in an organized and clear format can help us get a visual understanding that tells a bigger story.
Creating presentations that are pleasing to look at help link us in to exploring and appreciating the creations that make up the universe of which we live.
There is beauty and wonder in much that lies beyond what the naked eye can see here upon the earth. As we explore what lies beyond our view it will open our eyes up into seeing that there is so much for us to learn about that shapes the very reason why life on this Earth is sustainable.
Core Standard 3- Students will understand the relationship and attributes of objects in the Solar System.
Ed. Tech. Standard 8-Use technology resources probes, videos, educational software, for problem solving, self directed learning and extended learning activities.
(GRADES 3-5)
Building presentations that helps us to view information in an organized and clear format can help us get a visual understanding that tells a bigger story.
Creating presentations that are pleasing to look at help link us in to exploring and appreciating the creations that make up the universe of which we live.
There is beauty and wonder in much that lies beyond what the naked eye can see here upon the earth. As we explore what lies beyond our view it will open our eyes up into seeing that there is so much for us to learn about that shapes the very reason why life on this Earth is sustainable.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Classroom Management (Pinterest)
Core Standard 4-Students engage and extract information.
Ed Tech Standard 5- Use technology tools for individual and collaborative writing, communications, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.
(GRADES 3-5)
Imagine 35 children with 35 different needs 35 different abilities 35 different personalities.
This can be a little overwhelming, okay a lot... but knowing that you have prepared for every imaginable situation by having a class management plan can help a teacher stay clam and carry on!
As we better learn to manage our environments we are more capable of handling the many situations that can occur when teaching children. things happen spontaneously and you can never be completely sure of what will happen next but if you have a plan in place and have practiced and studied that plan things are sure to run a lot smoother and all involved will have a better experience from the out come.
Core Standard 4-Students engage and extract information.
Ed Tech Standard 5- Use technology tools for individual and collaborative writing, communications, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.
(GRADES 3-5)
Imagine 35 children with 35 different needs 35 different abilities 35 different personalities.
This can be a little overwhelming, okay a lot... but knowing that you have prepared for every imaginable situation by having a class management plan can help a teacher stay clam and carry on!
As we better learn to manage our environments we are more capable of handling the many situations that can occur when teaching children. things happen spontaneously and you can never be completely sure of what will happen next but if you have a plan in place and have practiced and studied that plan things are sure to run a lot smoother and all involved will have a better experience from the out come.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Creative Story Writing (Story Bird )
Core Standard 2- Students will understand that organisms depend on living and nonliving things within their environment.
Ed. Tech. Standard 4- Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to re-mediate skills, and to facilitate learning throughout the curriculum.
(GRADES 3-5)
Stories are a wonderful way for children to express themselves and what is going on in the world around them. Much can be learned from the words they print to the pictures that they draw to help us understand how they are feeling. For example, as you have students create their own stories about the environment of living and non living organisms in their own back yards they can learn more about how living and non living organisms work together.
Stories can express any subject matter with a greater degree of interest for students, and allowing them to create their own stories gives them experience with writing as well as processing all that is going on in their minds out onto paper.
As they see their stories in print and visually see images they gain a greater sense of accomplishment that they themselves created this very project and it is enjoyable and they will hopefully have a desire to share with others their stories.
Core Standard 2- Students will understand that organisms depend on living and nonliving things within their environment.
Ed. Tech. Standard 4- Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to re-mediate skills, and to facilitate learning throughout the curriculum.
(GRADES 3-5)
Stories are a wonderful way for children to express themselves and what is going on in the world around them. Much can be learned from the words they print to the pictures that they draw to help us understand how they are feeling. For example, as you have students create their own stories about the environment of living and non living organisms in their own back yards they can learn more about how living and non living organisms work together.
Stories can express any subject matter with a greater degree of interest for students, and allowing them to create their own stories gives them experience with writing as well as processing all that is going on in their minds out onto paper.
As they see their stories in print and visually see images they gain a greater sense of accomplishment that they themselves created this very project and it is enjoyable and they will hopefully have a desire to share with others their stories.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Country Reports (Google Presentations)
Core Standard 4-Students will understand current and global issues and their rights and responsibilities in the interconnected world.
Ed Tech. Standard 6 -Design, develop, publish and present products (e.g., Web pages, videotapes) using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts to audiences inside and outside the classroom.
(GRADES 3-5)
Presentations are a wonderful way to connect us with other people in other countries. As we explore their customs and culture we come to a better understanding of the world around us and its people.
Giving the students an opportunity to learn customs, eat different foods and learn traditions and languages helps them to see that the world around them can be very interesting and enjoyable to explore and do research on, in hope that one day they might be able to go there in person.
Core Standard 4-Students will understand current and global issues and their rights and responsibilities in the interconnected world.
Ed Tech. Standard 6 -Design, develop, publish and present products (e.g., Web pages, videotapes) using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts to audiences inside and outside the classroom.
(GRADES 3-5)
Presentations are a wonderful way to connect us with other people in other countries. As we explore their customs and culture we come to a better understanding of the world around us and its people.
Giving the students an opportunity to learn customs, eat different foods and learn traditions and languages helps them to see that the world around them can be very interesting and enjoyable to explore and do research on, in hope that one day they might be able to go there in person.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Library Genres Survey (Google Forms)
Core Standard 2 -Students identify, evaluate, and select potential information resources available in or through the school library media center.
Ed Tech. Standard 2- Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and advantages and disadvantages those uses provide.
(GRADES 3-5)
All of us have varying interests and when we go exploring in a library or on the internet we can zero in on our interest of genre and find hundreds even thousands of different books that will aide us in visiting and enjoying our particularly chosen genre in the eyes of many different authors.
Core Standard 2 -Students identify, evaluate, and select potential information resources available in or through the school library media center.
Ed Tech. Standard 2- Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and advantages and disadvantages those uses provide.
(GRADES 3-5)
All of us have varying interests and when we go exploring in a library or on the internet we can zero in on our interest of genre and find hundreds even thousands of different books that will aide us in visiting and enjoying our particularly chosen genre in the eyes of many different authors.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Core Standard 3- English Language Arts : Interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas. Information in text.
Ed.Tech. Standard 3 -Responsible use of technology and information
(GRADES 3-5)
Extra Extra read all about it! Communication through newsletters is a great way to keep everyone on the same page. Having students participate in being reporters, editors and photographers for the class will go along way in helping them to feel that it is their new and take pride in coming together to create news that will be shared with the class and their parents as well.
Core Standard 3- English Language Arts : Interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas. Information in text.
Ed.Tech. Standard 3 -Responsible use of technology and information
(GRADES 3-5)
Extra Extra read all about it! Communication through newsletters is a great way to keep everyone on the same page. Having students participate in being reporters, editors and photographers for the class will go along way in helping them to feel that it is their new and take pride in coming together to create news that will be shared with the class and their parents as well.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Math Corners (Thing Link)
Core Standard 1- Reasons with shapes and their attributes. Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses,rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.
Ed. Tech. Standard 9- Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems.
(GRADES 3-5)
Learning that math can be FUN!
At an early age will build confidence and security when approaching any new equation in the future. Engaging students in different ways to learn helps them to see subjects in a different way. Math is one of those subjects that can be very intimidating for students and anything a teacher can do to help them feel at ease and relax in the classroom, I believe will help them to approach math with less fear and more fun!
Core Standard 1- Reasons with shapes and their attributes. Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses,rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.
Ed. Tech. Standard 9- Determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems.
(GRADES 3-5)
Learning that math can be FUN!
At an early age will build confidence and security when approaching any new equation in the future. Engaging students in different ways to learn helps them to see subjects in a different way. Math is one of those subjects that can be very intimidating for students and anything a teacher can do to help them feel at ease and relax in the classroom, I believe will help them to approach math with less fear and more fun!
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Glog (Illustrator)
Be sure to view in "Full Screen"
Core Standard 4-
Ed. Tech. Standard 5-
(GRADES 3-5)
Identifying the contributions of Authors and Illustrators in the creation of literature can help students realize books are created by real people.
Each students can choose their favorite Author/Illustrator and create their own Glogster about that individual. As students learn to take something one step further than they are use to they begin to really enhance their learning and gain greater insight and appreciation ,
Be sure to view in "Full Screen"
Core Standard 4-
Ed. Tech. Standard 5-
(GRADES 3-5)
Identifying the contributions of Authors and Illustrators in the creation of literature can help students realize books are created by real people.
Each students can choose their favorite Author/Illustrator and create their own Glogster about that individual. As students learn to take something one step further than they are use to they begin to really enhance their learning and gain greater insight and appreciation ,
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Art Brochure
Core Standard 1-The student will explore and refine the application of media techniques, and artistic processes.
Ed. Tech.Standard 5- Use technology tools to create knowledge.
(GRADES 3-5)
Pablo Picasso once said " Every child is an artist."
We all usually believe this until we turn about 8 years old and begin to criticize our art and compare it to others. The key is helping children realize that art doesn't have to be perfect, it is the one subject that you can be free to scribble in and still come up with something of value.
To view brochure click here
Saturday, January 17, 2015
School Flyer
Core Standard 2-The students will learn ways to improve mental health and manage stress.
Ed.Tech. Standard 7- Use telecommunications and on-line resources (e.g., email, online discussions, web environments) to participate in collaborative problem-solving activities to develop solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.
(GRADES 3-5)
Let's face it sitting in school for 6 1/2 hours a day with only a few breaks gets us all feeling a little stagnate. This program is intended to help kids take control of their own physical, mental and moral fitness.
To view Flyer click : Health & Wellness Flyer
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Meet the teacher (Google Doc.)
I believe that each new day gives us a opportunity to increase our knowledge and understanding of the world around us.Click on the link above to learn a little bit more about me (your teacher).
See if you have anything in common with me.
I believe that each new day gives us a opportunity to increase our knowledge and understanding of the world around us.Click on the link above to learn a little bit more about me (your teacher).
See if you have anything in common with me.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
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