Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mind Mapping (Poplet)

Core Standard 3- Students will understand the relationship and attributes of objects in the Solar System.

Ed. Tech. Standard 8-Use technology resources probes, videos, educational software, for problem solving, self directed learning and extended learning activities.
(GRADES 3-5)

Building presentations that helps us to view information in an organized and clear format can help us get a visual understanding that tells a bigger story.
Creating presentations that are pleasing to look at help link us in to exploring and appreciating the creations that make up the universe of which we live.
There is beauty and wonder in much that lies beyond what the naked eye can see here upon the earth. As we explore what lies beyond our view it will open our eyes up into seeing that there is so much for us to learn about that shapes the very reason why life on this Earth is sustainable.

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