Thursday, April 2, 2015

21 Century Technology ( Emaze)

Core Standard 3- The students will understand and respect self and others related to human development and relationships.

Ed. Tech. Standard 10- Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information sources.
(GRADES 3-5)

Helping students become comfortable with technology will help to reinforce in them the wonderful opportunities that await them as they begin to explore and navigate the internet.
Living in the 21st Century they will be spending a large majority of their time using technology.
There is more to just knowing how technology works for them, they must learn how to appropriately use technology  and be responsible for their actions.
A vast universe of information will be there to expand their minds and they can be a force for good in the world.

Mood Swings ( Animoto)

Core Standard 1- Healthy Self   

Ed.Tech. Standard 8- Problem Solving     
(GRADES 3-5) 

Our moods many times determine our actions or our reactions to different situations. 
By helping students learn to recognize their own moods and the moods of others we will help them to be better capable to deal with the many stressful situations that our moods create. 
Social interaction will be apart of a students everyday lives and being better prepared to handle these interactions we will become better communicators with others. 
Understanding how our feelings impact others can help us achieve harmony and balance with the world around us.   

Utah History (Prezi)

Core Standard 2- Students will understand how Utah's history has been shaped by many diverse people, events, and ideas.  

Ed. Tech. Standard 1- Growing with technology/timelines
(3-5 GRADE)

As students go back in history and follow the timelines of the men, women and children that helped shape the history of Utah, they will come to better understand the great sacrifices and even suffering of those who made there way to the Utah Valley.
As we look at the history of the Mormon pioneers coming from the East to the West we will discover how this diverse group was one of many who made the journey.
Time lines help recreate events and tell stories hopefully instilling in young minds that they also to will one day be a part of history and others will be telling their stories as well.